Genesis, age and archaeological significance of a pedosediment in the depression around Tell Mozan, Syria



Publication Details

Pustovoytov, K., Deckers, K. & Goldberg, P. (2011). Genesis, age and archaeological significance of a pedosediment in the depression around Tell Mozan, Syria. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38 (4), 913-924.


A pedosedimentological profile from the ditch surrounding the lower town of the Bronze Age site of Mozan is investigated for its soil and sedimentological characteristics and has been dated in order to gain information on the use of the ditch and on the landscape development surrounding the settlement. The depression did not contain large amounts of water (flowing or stagnant) and probably was used for agricultural purposes. Accumulation - that in part includes anthropogenically-derived, redeposited, and bioturbated debris - started at around 2800 cal. BC or later, and was especially intensive at some time between 2800 and 1000 cal. BC. Deposition may have been caused by intensive agricultural use of the landscape during the urban explosion of the Early Bronze Age or in the early Middle Bronze Age.

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