Publication Details

Nagesh Shukla, Albert Munoz, Jun Ma, and Nam Huynh. "Hybrid Agent based Simulation with Adaptive Learning of Travel Mode Choices for University Commuters (WIP)" Workshop on model-driven approaches for simulation engineering (Mod4Sim) Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, part of the SCS SpringSim 2013 conference, April 7-10, 2013, San Diego, CA (USA) (2013).


This paper presents a methodology for developing a hybrid agent-based micro-simulation model to capture the impacts of commuter travel mode choices on a University campus transport network. The proposed methodology involves: (i) developing realistic population of commuter agents (students and staff); (ii) assigning activity lists and travel mode choices to agents using machine learning method; and, (iii) traffic micro-simulation of the study area transport network. This furthers the understanding of current transport modal distributions, factors affecting the travel mode choice decisions, and, network performance through a number of hypothetical travel scenarios.