Revolution 2(2) March 1971

Revolution 2(2) March 1971

Phillip Frazer

This collection has been made available due to its historical and research importance. It contains material that reflects attitudes of the era in which it was originally published, and that some viewers may find confronting.


Freaks on trial (cover)
On the horizon
We are on trial in 1. Australia, 2. Amerika, 3. Britain
Pete Steedman interviews Richard Neville
Albie Thoms - Rock festival & the youth revolt
Lilian Roxon's New York
Michael Hamel-Green - 'There are two sorts of time' - The student movement in Australia: a history
Philip N. West - The Dope Smoker's Compendium - Part 1
Rolling Stone Supplement - Timothy Crouse - The first family of the new rock - James Taylor; Allan R. Mcdougall - A conversation with Stephen Stills
Jules Siegel - Midnight in Babylon
Tony Convey - Goodnight Mick! - Interview with Mick Rogers
Jean Gollan - Pop with a conscience from the Chain
Law and citizen's rights cartoon
Albie Thoms -Wet Dream Film Festival
Vertigo records advertisements
Dickie - The famous Zapeye's think box cartoon
Book reviews by Peter Draffin