
Overview - University of Wollongong Teaching & Learning Journal

Article Title

Designing and using a learning package for teaching


Student Centred Learning' and 'Resource Based Learning' (RBL) seem to be two of the buzz words in tertiary education at the moment. By the year 2000 it is likely that at least 30% of all undergraduate teaching in Australian Universities will involve the use of specially designed learning resources (NCODE, 1996). According to the literature one of the benefits of RBL is the facilitation of autonomous, reflective learning (NCO D E, 1996). The Introduction to Tertiary Teaching (ITT) subject for academics at Wollongong University aims to facilitate reflective learning and the subject is presently being redesigned to provide a modular program with RBL as one of its features. The intention is to satisfY the diverse needs of participants and to encourage the 'Deep Approach' to learning identified by Marton & Siiljo (1976) such that participants are motivated to seek meaning rather than simply reproduce information. This article describes some of my experiences in the design and implementation of the first ITT module and offers some suggestions to staff interested in integrating RBL into their courses.