
Overview - University of Wollongong Teaching & Learning Journal

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Encouraging classroom participation of overseas MBA students


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is designed as a post-graduate conversion program for mature students who already possess a first degree in a non-commerce background, combined with several years of relevant work experience. Lectures are not meant to follow the traditional method of a one-way flow of information from lecturer to students. Rather, the role of the lecturer is to act a as a facilitator, to tap the considerable well of knowledge and experience which exists in an average MBA classroom. In other words, information will flow not only from lecturer to students, but also from students to lecturer, and from students to students. My experience, especially in Britain, has taught me that MBA students can be extremely demanding, even aggressive. They often hold senior positions in their employment. To handle the situation a lecturer must be well prepared, up-to-date, and an effective communicator and organiser.