
Overview - University of Wollongong Teaching & Learning Journal

Article Title

Overview - 2(1) contents and editorial


courses available through the use of video, CD Rom, Email, and TV as well as the more traditional printed materials. The mention of such multimedia tends to bring to mind the provision of distance education, but it is often overlooked that these technologies can be used just as effectively as part of on-campus teaching. Richard Joseph describes how he used Email as an integral part of the course he teaches in Information Technology, where students had to complete a joint research project with students in the USA. Also adapting multimedia to the needs of on-campus students is Roger Lewis, who developed video demonstrations of laboratory procedures in Physics, in order to improve safety and give the students the chance to become thoroughly conversant with lab procedures before starting their experiments. Overview welcomes contributions from staff who have tried an innovative approach to teaching, or who are engaged in action research into learning. I hope you enjoy the articles in this issue, and I look forward to your comments, suggestions and contributions.