James McAuley and the end of modernity



Publication Details

Melleuish, G. C. (2012). James McAuley and the end of modernity. In Colloquium Campion College Australia: The Christian View of History and the Revival of the Liberal Arts, 31 Aug - 2 Sept, Campion College. Connor Court Quarterly, 1 (5-6), 67-78.

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Connor Court Publishing


In his 1959 work The end of Modernity, James McAuley, poet, editor of Quadrant and Catholic convert, argued that the development of poetry over the past one hundred and fifty years had been "an immense detour" and that the need now existed to "link up again with the main road." there need to be a "way forward to a pot-modern poetry" that would not be a return to the old "so-called classical formulae" which had existed prior to the "Romantic deviation: but which effectively absorbed the lessons of that deviation and then moved beyond it.

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