People smuggling in Southeast Asia: trends, challenges and way forward



Publication Details

A. Amri, 'People smuggling in Southeast Asia: trends, challenges and way forward' (2015) 7 (2) Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs 132-151.


People smuggling is considered a current fastest growing transnational crime. It involves a myriad of countries, as well as numerous routes which are continuously growing over time. This is possible is also due to the fact that the developments of technology has helped the smugglers to conduct their activities, for example, such as the use of complex navigational equipment. It is believed that the number of illegal migrants via land, sea and air are around 30–40 million people out of approximately 191 million legal migrants worldwide. States in Southeast Asia have taken measures to combat the problems of people smuggling. The Bali Process has been one of the most important Forums in addressing the issue of people smuggling. This paper explores legal frameworks at international and regional levels in order to address the current legal measures in place to combat people smuggling. Furthermore, challenges in its implementation, as well as its adequacy, will also be discussed.

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