Shipping: safety of life at sea



Publication Details

Morrison, A. P. (2016). Shipping: safety of life at sea. In R. M. Warner and S. B. Kaye (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Maritime Regulation and Enforcement (pp. 161-175). Abingdon: Routledge.

Additional Publication Information

ISBN: 9780415704458


This chapter will examine safety of life at sea in two main ways: 1: The obligations under customary international law and international conventions and non-binding instruments concerning safety of life at sea; 2: Specific problems relating to the enforcement of international obligations. The first section of the chapter will critically examine the proteciton of life at sea under customary international law and the provisions of relevant conventions. This section will also examine relevant non-binding instruments such as the Guidelines. As well as giving a brief exposition of the main provisioins, this study will highlight the gaps that exist in the international law and policy framework. The second section of the chapter will look at some issues and factors which can affect the enforcement of obligations under the international legal regime.

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