Down under Muslim law: principles and practices in Bangladesh



Publication Details

Begum, A. (1996). Down under Muslim law: principles and practices in Bangladesh. Chittagong University Studies - Law, 1 (December), 114-124.


Right to receive dower is a right of a Muslim woman, connected with her marriage and guaranteed by Muslim Law based on Quran and Sunnah. Under Muslim Law dower is treated as consideration of Wedding. Although right to have dower is an exclusive right of wedded woman, yet it is seldom exercised in our country. Women are frequently deprived of this right. To make things worse, they are to pay dowry, if they wish to get married. Hence the reality presents a sad and sordid picture of women's sufferings that strikes the conscience of the society. This paper will endeavour to portray the present position of Muslim women in Bangladesh in the light of their actual exercise of this right and to analyse its legal aspects.

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