Spatial dimensions of fisheries and biodiversity governance



Publication Details

Kenchington, R., Vestergaard, O. and Garcia, S. (2014). Spatial dimensions of fisheries and biodiversity governance. In S. Garcia, J. Rice and A. Charles (Eds.), Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation: Interaction and Coevolution (pp. 110-123). United Kingdom: John Wiley and Sons.

Additional Publication Information

ISBN: 9781118392645


Marine biodiversity and fisheries operate in 3D dynamic space while UNCLOS jurisdictions are mainly based on 2D boundaries, challenging space-based governance. Spatial dimensions of fisheries governance become explicit in space–time operational restrictions in a system aiming at conserving fishery resources by maintaining stocks maximum sustainable yield level. Environmental governance uses Marine Protected Areas as a main measure for conserving biological diversity and aims at covering 10% of the world oceans by 2020. This target and the issue of no-take MPAs have been a source of tension between the two streams of governance. The chapter considers spatial governance in fisheries and biodiversity conservation, the impacts of the terrestrial heritage of conservation, the spatio-temporal issues in both governance fields and the potential offered by spatially structured multiuse integrated management frameworks. It concludes that the spatial dimensions of both governance streams and the similarity of issues arising from an increasing range of human uses and impacts would require an effective integrated approach to spatial and temporal management.

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