Publication Details

B. Yecies (2009). What the boomerang misses: pursuing international film co-production treaties and strategies. University of Wellington, 6-8 July.


This paper illustrates some of the dynamic ways that members of the Korean, Australian, New Zealand and Chinese creative and cultural industries have engaged with international instruments such as co-production treaties. Strategies, benefits returned and lost costs, that is, sacrifices that are made in the process of producing a film or digital media program in more than one country, and/or with an international team are investigated to reveal how creators are engaging with the demands of different governments' policies. It is hoped that this paper and the larger research project to which it is attached will assist scholars, creative and cultural industry practitioners and policymakers to understand the dynamics of international linkages and transnational cultural production flows – with a view toward enhancing the field of Korean Studies and Korea's future role in the power dynamics of cultural industries across the globe.
