Red Star over the Pacific: China's Rise and the Challenge to US Maritime Strategy



Publication Details

A. Forbes, 'Red Star over the Pacific: China's Rise and the Challenge to US Maritime Strategy' (2011) XXI (3) The Northern Mariner 325-326.


The I ise of China has preoccupied American militmy planners for at least the last decade, and more so recently, as the scale and speed of its military modernisation has become apparent. This is pa11icularly the case for China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), which has shown numerous advances and now has the ability to affect American, Japanese and South Korean maritime activities in East Asia. But sea power is more than just teclmology, as this book well demonstrates, as it explores Chinese thinking on sea power (why a navy might be used) and the types of capabilities it possesses (how it might be used).

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The Northern Mariner

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