International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructure 2016

International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructure 2016



Conference theme: Infrastructure for a Better Future: A Forum for Vision, Leadership and Action.

Introduction: Now in its fourth year of existence, ISNGI represents a unique global partnership aimed at fostering an international dialogue on current issues and latest innovations in infrastructure research and policy. Our mission is to share new knowledge, to propose best practice principles and to mentor the next generation of experts, who will have to design, implement or manage future infrastructure systems around the world. This year our grand challenge is: “Beyond Utopia: Designing Infrastructure Systems as Collective Agents of Social Change”. This challenge is concerned with infrastructure (such as transport, energy, water, waste, telecommunications, housing and social infrastructure) and the web of interdependencies and interconnections that collectively make up the physical, economic and social systems of cities and regions and how we can deliver more successful resilient outcomes. Professor Pascal Perez, Director, SMART Infrastructure Facility, University of Wollongong. Event program HERE.

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