Publication Details

This article was originally published as Koukouvinos, C and Seberry, J, Orthogonal Designs of Kharaghani Type: I, ARS Combinatoria, 67, 2003, 89-96. Original Charles Babbage Research Centre journal avaliable here.


We use an array given in H. Kharaghani, Arrays for orthogonal designs, J. Combin. Designs, 8 (2000), 166-173, to obtain infinite families of 8-variable Kharaghani type orthogonal designs, OD(8t; hi, kl, kl, kl, k2, k2, k2, k2), where k1 and k2 must be the sum of two squares. In particular we obtain infinite families of 8-variable Kharaghani type orthogonal designs, OD(8t; k, k, k, k, k, k, k, k). For odd t orthogonal designs of order ≡ 8( mod 16) can have at most eight variables.
