Refreshing Midwives: Education for Practice



Publication Details

Gulliver, H, Homer, C, Williamson, MJ, Teate, A & Smith, R, Refreshing Midwives: Education for Practice, 2009, Sydney: Australian College of Midwives (NSW Branch).


This module will journey through the phase of midwifery care from shortly after birth and into the extended postnatal period. You will explore some of the contextual changes in postnatal care over the last decade. Women's voices will be heard with regard to their needs during the postnatal period. An overview of care during the postnatal period will be given with an emphasis on the emotional components of family health and wellbeing. The significant morbidity and frequency of postnatal depression will be discussed. Tools to help to identify women suffering with this postnatal mood disorder will be given. Several resources will be offered to assist you to be confident in sharing both evidence-based and consistent advice to women planning and supporting the woman to breastfeed. Examples of families with complex needs in the postnatal period will also be given. You will be asked to explore some of your strengths in assisting these families.

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