Publication Details

This conference paper was originally published as Jones, SC and Mullan, J, An exploratory study of older adults' perceptions of DTCA for prescription medications, in Wiley, J (ed), Proceedings of the Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities: ANZMAC 2004 Conference, School of Marketing and International Business, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 29 November - 1 December 2004.


There are many arguments for and against Direct-To-Consumer-Advertising (DTCA) and their impact on the consumer. A study involving 97 older consumers was carried out to investigate their perceptions about long or short versions of written DTCA for arthritis or diabetes medication. The results indicate that even though the ads may improve doctor-patient discussion about medications, they would not necessarily empower them to make decisions. Some of the consumers also believed that DTCA might cause people to ask for inappropriate medicines, become confused and possibly stop seeking medical advice.
