This page lists University of Wollongong research publications arising from grants supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Each publication record has been tagged with the relevent grant number/s within the Research Online record.


Papers from 2019


Simultaneous shipborne measurements of CO2, CH4 and CO and their application to improving greenhouse-gas flux estimates in Australia, Beata Bukosa, Nicholas M. Deutscher, Jenny A. Fisher, Dagmar C. Kubistin, Clare Paton-Walsh, and David W. T Griffith


Dynamic interplay between H-current and M-current controls motoneuron hyperexcitability in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Yossi Buskila, Orsolya S. Kekesi, Alba Bellot-Saez, Wei Lin Seah, Tracey Berg, Michael Trpceski, Justin J. Yerbury, and Lezanne Ooi

A morphology-based drowning risk index for rock platform fishing: a case study from southeastern Australia, Rafael Cabral Carvalho, David Kennedy, and Colin D. Woodroffe


Transition from marine to fluvial-dominated sediment supply at Shoalhaven prograded barrier, southeastern Australia, Rafael Cabral Carvalho, Thomas S. Oliver, and Colin D. Woodroffe


The interplay of dynamic topography and eustasy on continental flooding in the late Paleozoic, Wenchao Cao, Nicolas Flament, Sabin Zahirovic, Simon E. Williams, and R. Dietmar Muller


Palaeolatitudinal distribution of lithologic indicators of climate in a palaeogeographic framework, Wenchao Cao, Simon E. Williams, Nicolas Flament, Sabin Zahirovic, Christopher Scotese, and R. Dietmar Muller

Geographies of energy transition: the case of high-performing commercial office space in the central business districts of Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, Chantel A. Carr, Pauline M. McGuirk, and Robyn Dowling


The History of the Glycosidase Inhibiting Hyacinthacine C-type Alkaloids: From Discovery to Synthesis, Anthony W. Carroll and Stephen G. Pyne


Bayesian atmospheric tomography for detection and quantification of methane emissions: Application to data from the 2015 Ginninderra release experiment, Laura Cartwright, Andrew Zammit-Mangion, Sangeeta Bhatia, Ivan Schroder, Frances A. Phillips, Trevor Coates, Karita Negandhi, Travis A. Naylor, Martin Kennedy, Steve Zegelin, Nick Wokker, Nicholas M. Deutscher, and Andrew Feitz


Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, a Hypochlorite-Regulated Chaperone and Immune System Modulator, Jordan Cater, Mark R. Wilson, and Amy R. Wyatt

Al-26/Be-10 ratios reveal the source of river sediments in the Kimberley, NW Australia, Gael Cazes, David Fink, Alexandru Tiberiu Codilean, Reka H. Fulop, Toshiyuki Fujioka, and Klaus M. Wilcken


Compressive behaviour of FRP-confined rubber concrete, Chun Wa Chan, Tao Yu, S S. Zhang, and Qingfeng Xu

Stigmatising Attitudes Towards Depression and Alcohol Misuse in Young People: Relationships with Help-Seeking Intentions and Behavior, Ali Cheetham, Anthony F. Jorm, Coralie J. Wilson, Bonita J. Berridge, Fiona Blee, and Daniel Lubman

Tuning the magnetism of two-dimensional hematene by ferroelectric polarization, Dong Chen, Guangbiao Zhang, Wei Sun, Jingyu Li, Zhenxiang Cheng, and Yuanxu Wang


Rational design of two-dimensional hybrid Co/N-doped carbon nanosheet arrays for efficient bi-functional electrocatalysis, Ningyan Cheng, Long Ren, Gilberto Casillas, Si Zhou, Jincheng Zhuang, Li Wang, Xun Xu, Shi Xue Dou, and Yi Du

Lithiophobic-lithiophilic composite architecture through co-deposition technology toward high-performance lithium metal batteries, Yifeng Cheng, Xi Ke, Yuanmao Chen, Xinyue Huang, Zhicong Shi, and Zaiping Guo


Low-Coordinate Iridium Oxide Confined on Graphitic Carbon Nitride for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution, Jiayi Chen, Peixin Cui, Guoqiang Zhao, Kun Rui, Mengmeng Lao, Yaping Chen, Xusheng Zheng, Yinzhu Jiang, Hongge Pan, Shi Xue Dou, and Wenping Sun


Iron-Doped Nickel Molybdate with Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Kinetics, Jiayi Chen, Guoqiang Zhao, Yaping Chen, Kun Rui, Hui Mao, Shi Xue Dou, and Wenping Sun


Nonlinear optical response of the alpha-T-3 model due to the nontrivial topology of the band dispersion, Lei Chen, Jack Zuber, Zhongshui Ma, and C Zhang


NASICON-type air-stable and all-climate cathode for sodium-ion batteries with low cost and high-power density, Mingzhe Chen, Weibo Hua, Jin Xiao, David L. Cortie, Weihua Chen, En-Hui Wang, Zhe Hu, Qinfen Gu, Xiaolin Wang, Sylvio Indris, Shulei Chou, and Shi Xue Dou

High-Abundance and Low-Cost Metal-Based Cathode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries: Problems, Progress, and Key Technologies, Mingzhe Chen, Qiannan Liu, Shi-Wen Wang, En-Hui Wang, Xiaodong Guo, and Shulei Chou


Global regularity of optimal mappings in non-convex domains, Shibing Chen, Jiakun Liu, and Xu-Jia Wang


Development of rhamnose-rich hydrogels based on sulfated xylorhamno-uronic acid toward wound healing applications, Xifang Chen, Zhilian Yue, Pia C. Winberg, Jeremy Dinoro, Patricia Y. Hayes, Stephen T. Beirne, and Gordon G. Wallace


Electrocatalytically inactive SnS2 promotes water adsorption/dissociation on molybdenum dichalcogenides for accelerated alkaline hydrogen evolution, Yaping Chen, Xingyong Wang, Mengmeng Lao, Kun Rui, Xiaobo Zheng, Haibo Yu, Jing Ma, Shi Xue Dou, and Wenping Sun

Interfacial Engineering of Nickel Boride/Metaborate and Its Effect on High Energy Density Asymmetric Supercapacitors, Yuanzhen Chen, Tengfei Zhou, Lei Li, Wei Kong Pang, Xingmin He, Yongning Liu, and Zaiping Guo


Characterization of aerosols over the Great Barrier Reef: The influence of transported continental sources, Zhenyi Chen, Robyn Schofield, Peter Rayner, Tianshu Zhang, Cheng Liu, Claire Vincent, Sonya Fiddes, Robert G. Ryan, Joel Alroe, Zoran D. Ristovski, Ruhi S. Humphries, Melita Keywood, Jason Ward, Clare Paton-Walsh, Travis A. Naylor, and Xiaowen Shu

A novel sparse representation model for pedestrian abnormal trajectory understanding, Zhijun Chen, Hao Cai, Yishi Zhang, Chaozhong Wu, Mengchao Mu, Zhixiong Li, and Miguel Sotelo

Energy efficient electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO using a three-dimensional porphyrin/graphene hydrogel, Jaecheol Choi, Jeonghun Kim, Pawel W. Wagner, Sanjeev Gambhir, Rouhollah Jalili, Seoungwoo Byun, Sepidar Sayyar, Yong Min Lee, Douglas R. MacFarlane, Gordon G. Wallace, and David L. Officer

Steric Modification of a Cobalt Phthalocyanine/Graphene Catalyst to Give Enhanced and Stable Electrochemical CO 2 Reduction to CO, Jaecheol Choi, Pawel W. Wagner, Sanjeev Gambhir, Rouhollah Jalili, Douglas R. MacFarlane, Gordon G. Wallace, and David L. Officer


Selective Atomic-Level Etching on Short S-Glass Fibres to Control Interfacial Properties for Restorative Dental Composites, Kiho Cho, Guannan Wang, Raju Raju, Jian Fang, Ginu Rajan, Martina Stenzel, Paul Farrar, and Gangadhara B. Prusty


A variable resonance magnetorheological-fluid-based pendulum tuned mass damper for seismic vibration suppression, Matthew Christie, Shuaishuai Sun, Lei Deng, Donghong Ning, Haiping Du, Shiwei Zhang, and Weihua Li

Investigation of X80 line pipe steel fracture during tensile testing using acoustic emission monitoring, Turbadrakh Chuluunbat, Andrii Kostryzhev, and Olexandra Marenych


The Endocannabinoid System and Cannabidiol's Promise for the Treatment of Substance Use Disorder, Yann Chye, Erynn Christensen, Nadia Solowij, and Murat Yucel


Alteration to hippocampal volume and shape confined to cannabis dependence: A multi-site study, Yann Chye, Valentina Lorenzetti, Chao Suo, Albert Batalla, Janna Cousijn, Anna Goudriaan, M D. Jenkinson, Rocio Martin-Santos, Sarah Whittle, Murat Yucel, and Nadia Solowij


Cortical surface morphology in long-term cannabis users: A multi-site MRI study, Yann Chye, Chao Suo, Valentina Lorenzetti, Albert Batalla, Janna Cousijn, Anna Goudriaan, Rocio Martin-Santos, Sarah Whittle, Nadia Solowij, and Murat Yucel

EEG development in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: From child to adult, Adam R. Clarke, Robert J. Barry, Stuart J. Johnstone, Rory McCarthy, and Mark Selikowitz

The EEG Theta/Beta Ratio: A marker of Arousal or Cognitive Processing Capacity?, Adam R. Clarke, Robert J. Barry, Diana Karamacoska, and Stuart J. Johnstone


Ideals of Steinberg Algebras of Strongly Effective Groupoids, with Applications to Leavitt Path Algebras, Lisa Orloff Clark, Cain Edie-Mitchell, Astrid An Huef, and Aidan Sims


Simplicity Of Algebras Associated To Non-Hausdorff Groupoids, Lisa Orloff Clark, Ruy Exel Filho, Enrique Pardo, Aidan Sims, and Charles Starling

Spin-wave propagation in alpha-Fe2O3 nanorods: the effect of confinement and disorder, David L. Cortie, Gilberto Casillas, Andrew Squires, Richard A. Mole, Xiaolin Wang, Yun Liu, Yen-Hua Chen, and Dehong Yu


Two-Dimensional Magnets: Forgotten History and Recent Progress towards Spintronic Applications, David L. Cortie, Grace L. Causer, Kirrily C. Rule, H Fritzsche, Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner, and Frank Klose

A diagonally weighted matrix norm between two covariance matrices, Noel A. Cressie and Cecile Hardouin

Remembering Women's Activism, Sharon Crozier-De Rosa and Vera Mackie

Heterocarbides Reinforced Electrochemical Energy Storage, Jing Cuan, Fan Zhang, Yang Zheng, Tengfei Zhou, Gemeng Liang, Zaiping Guo, Wei Kong Pang, and Xuebin Yu

Multiple Anionic Transition-Metal Oxycarbide for Better Lithium Storage and Facilitated Multielectron Reactions, Jing Cuan, You Zhou, Jian Zhang, Tengfei Zhou, Gemeng Liang, Sean Li, Xuebin Yu, Wei Kong Pang, and Zaiping Guo


Consumers' views on the importance of specific front-of-pack nutrition information: A latent profile analysis, Liyuwork Dana, Kathy Chapman, Zenobia Talati, Bridget Kelly, Helen Dixon, Caroline Miller, and Simone Pettigrew


Halogens in serpentinites from the Isua supracrustal belt, Greenland: An Eoarchean seawater signature and biomass proxy?, Joelle D'Andres, Mark Kendrick, Vickie C. Bennett, and Allen Phillip Nutman

The effect of nanoscale surface electrical properties of partially biodegradable PEDOT-co-PDLLA conducting polymers on protein adhesion investigated by atomic force microscopy, Arua da Silva, Michael J. Higgins, and Susana Cordoba de Torresi


A public health advocacy approach for preventing and reducing gambling related harm, Jennifer David, Samantha L. Thomas, Melanie J. Randle, and Mike Daube


Tissue equivalence of diamond for heavy charged particles, Jeremy A. Davis, Peter Lazarakis, James Vohradsky, Michael L. F Lerch, Marco Petasecca, Susanna Guatelli, and Anatoly B. Rosenfeld


Evolution of Diamond based Microdosimetry, Jeremy A. Davis, Marco Petasecca, Susanna Guatelli, Michael L. F Lerch, and Anatoly B. Rosenfeld


Perspectives of Australian policy-makers on the potential benefits and risks of technologically enhanced communicable disease surveillance - a modified Delphi survey, Christopher J. Degeling, Jane Johnson, and Gwendolyn L. Gilbert


Citizens' juries can bring public voices on overdiagnosis into policy making, Christopher J. Degeling, Rae Thomas, and Lucie Rychetnik

Residential self-selection, perceived built environment and type 2 diabetes incidence: A longitudinal analysis of 36,224 middle to older age adults, Tashi Dendup, Thomas E. Astell-Burt, and Xiaoqi Feng

Microstructural study and residual stress measurement of a hot rolling work roll material during isothermal oxidation, Guanyu Deng, Anh Kiet Tieu, Lihong Su, Hongtao Zhu, Mark H. Reid, Qiang Zhu, and Charlie Kong


Characterizing deformation behaviour of an oxidized high speed steel: Effects of nanoindentation depth, friction and oxide scale porosity, Guanyu Deng, Anh Kiet Tieu, Lihong Su, Hongtao Zhu, Qiang Zhu, W Wan Zamri, and Charlie Kong


Experimental testing and modelling of a rotary variable stiffness and damping shock absorber using magnetorheological technology, Lei Deng, Shuaishuai Sun, Matthew Christie, Jian Yang, Donghong Ning, Xiaojing Zhu, Haiping Du, Shiwu Zhang, and Weihua Li


Association between breaks in sitting time and adiposity in Australian toddlers: Results from the GET-UP! study, Eduarda Manuela De Sousa Rodrigues de Sa, Joao Rafael Rodrigues Pereira, Zhiguang Zhang, Sanne L.C Veldman, Anthony D. Okely, and Rute Santos


An unmitigated disaster: shifting from response and recovery to mitigation for an insurable future, Eliza R. De Vet, Christine Eriksen, Kate Booth, and Shaun French


Drainage and Sedimentary Responses to Dynamic Topography, Xuesong Ding, Tristan Salles, Nicolas Flament, Claire Mallard, and Patrice F. Rey


Quantitative stratigraphic analysis in a source-to-sink numerical framework, Xuesong Ding, Tristan Salles, Nicolas Flament, and Patrice F. Rey


Sulfated polysaccharide-based scaffolds for orthopaedic tissue engineering, Jeremy Dinoro, Malachy Maher, Sepehr Talebian, Mahboubeh Jafarkhani, Mehdi Mehrali, Gorka Orive, Javad Foroughi, Megan S. Lord, and Alireza Dolatshahi-Pirouz


Validation of a Monte Carlo simulation for Microbeam Radiation Therapy on the Imaging and Medical Beamline at the Australian Synchrotron, Andrew Dipuglia, Matthew Cameron, Jeremy A. Davis, Iwan Cornelius, Andrew W. Stevenson, Anatoly B. Rosenfeld, Marco Petasecca, Stephanie Corde, Susanna Guatelli, and Michael L. F Lerch


Particle Formation in a Complex Environment, Doreena Dominick, Stephen R. Wilson, Clare Paton-Walsh, Ruhi S. Humphries, Elise-Andree Guerette, Melita Keywood, Paul Selleck, Dagmar C. Kubistin, and Ben Marwick


Redating the earliest evidence of the mid-Holocene relative sea-level highstand in Australia and implications for global sea-level rise, Amy J. Dougherty, Zoë Thomas, Christopher Fogwill, Alan Hogg, Jonathan G. Palmer, Eleanor Rainsley, Alan Williams, Sean Ulm, Kerrylee Rogers, Brian G. Jones, and Chris Turney


Age estimates for hominin fossils and the onset of the Upper Palaeolithic at Denisova Cave, Katerina Douka, Viviane Slon, Zenobia Jacobs, Christopher Ramsey, Michael Shunkov, Anatoly Derevianko, Fabrizio Mafessoni, Maxim Kozlikin, Bo Li, Rainer Grün, Daniel Comeskey, Thibaut Deviese, Samantha Brown, Bence Viola, Leslie Kinsley, Michael Buckley, Matthias Meyer, Richard G. Roberts, Svante Paabo, Janet Kelso, and Tom Higham


Strategic or Piecemeal? Smart City Initiatives in Sydney and Melbourne, Robyn Dowling, Pauline M. McGuirk, and Charles Gillon

Phosphorus Partition and Phosphate Capacity of TiO2 Bearing Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Slags, Phillip Drain, Brian J. Monaghan, Raymond Longbottom, Michael W. Chapman, Guangqing Zhang, and Sheng Chew


Divergent gold-catalysed reactions of cyclopropenylmethyl sulfonamides with tethered heteroaromatics, Melanie A. Drew, Sebastian Arndt, Christopher Richardson, Matthias Rudolph, A. Stephen K. Hashmi, and Christopher J. T Hyland


A mixed finite element method for a sixth-order elliptic problem, Jerome Droniou, Muhammad Ilyas, Bishnu Lamichhane, and Glen Wheeler


Recurrence of Extreme Coastal Erosion in SE Australia Beyond Historical Timescales Inferred From Beach Ridge Morphostratigraphy, Toru Dr Toru Tamura, Thomas S. Oliver, Alastair C. Cunningham, and Colin D. Woodroffe


Accurate magneto-optical determination of radius of topological nodal-ring semimetals, Wenye Duan, Cuihong Yang, Zhongshui Ma, Yiming Zhu, and C Zhang

Fabrication of a Biocompatible Liquid Crystal Graphene Oxide-Gold Nanorods Electro- and Photoactive Interface for Cell Stimulation, Daniela Duc, Paul R. Stoddart, Sally L. McArthur, Robert M. I Kapsa, Anita F. Quigley, Mitchell Boyd-Moss, and Simon E. Moulton


On The Cauchy Problem For Stochastic Parabolic Equations In Holder Spaces, Kai Du and Jiakun Liu


Measurement and prediction of granite damage evolution in deep mine seams using acoustic emission, Sunwen Du, Guorui Feng, Zhixiong Li, T Sarkodie-Gyan, Jianmin Wang, Zhenjun Ma, and Weihua Li


A new machine-learning prediction model for slope deformation of an open-pit mine: An evaluation of field data, Sunwen Du, Guorui Feng, Jianmin Wang, Shizhe Feng, Reza Malekian, and Zhixiong Li


Behaviour and strength of bolted connections failing in shear, Matthew Elliott, Lip H. Teh, and Aziz Ahmed


Novel dual-action prodrug triggers apoptosis in glioblastoma cells by releasing a glutathione quencher and lysine-specific histone demethylase 1A inhibitor, Martin Engel, Yi Sing Gee, Dale Cross, Alan T. Maccarone, Benjamin Heng, Amy Hulme, Grady Smith, Gilles Guillemin, Brett Stringer, Christopher J. T Hyland, and Lezanne Ooi

Insights on catchment-wide weathering regimes from boron isotopes in riverine material, Christian Ercolani, Damient Lemarchand, and Anthony Dosseto


Coping, caring and believing: The embodied work of disaster recovery workers, Christine Eriksen


Negotiating adversity with humour: A case study of wildland firefighter women, Christine Eriksen


Room temperature CO2 reduction to solid carbon species on liquid metals featuring atomically thin ceria interfaces, Dorna Esrafilzadeh, Ali Zavabeti, Rouhollah Jalili, Paul Atkin, Jaecheol Choi, Benjamin J. Carey, Robert Brkljaca, Anthony P. O'Mullane, Michael Dickey, David L. Officer, Douglas R. MacFarlane, Torben Daeneke, and Kourosh Kalantar-Zadeh

Frequency-dependent and montage-based differences in phosphene perception thresholds via transcranial alternating current stimulation, Ian Evans, Stephen Palmisano, Sarah P. Loughran, Alexandre Legros, and Rodney J. Croft


Hydrogen-Containing Na3HTi1- xMnxF8 Narrow-Band Phosphor for Light-Emitting Diodes, Muhuai Fang, Tsun Yang, Tadeusz Lesniewski, Chi Lee, Sebastian Mahlik, Marek Grinberg, Vanessa K. Peterson, Christophe R. Didier, Wei Kong Pang, Chaochin Su, and Ru-Shi Liu

Exploration of the sodium ion ordered transfermechanism in a MoSe2@Graphene composite forsuperior rate and lifespan performance, Haining Fan, Qi Zhang, Qinfen Gu, Yang Li, Wenbin Luo, and Hua-Kun Liu

Life-Saving Threads: Advances in Textile-Based Analytical Devices, Syamak Farajikhah, Joan M. Cabot, Peter C. Innis, Brett Paull, and Gordon G. Wallace


Facile development of a fiber-based electrode for highly selective and sensitive detection of dopamine, Syamak Farajikhah, Peter C. Innis, Brett Paull, Gordon G. Wallace, and Alexander R. Harris

Processable Thermally Conductive Polyurethane Composite Fibers, Syamak Farajikhah, Rebecca Van Amber, Sepidar Sayyar, Sajjad Shafei, Cormac Fay, Stephen T. Beirne, Mohammad Javadi, Xungai Wang, Peter C. Innis, Brett Paull, and Gordon G. Wallace


CuATSM Protects Against the in Vitro Cytotoxicity of Wild-Type-Like Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase Mutants but not Mutants That Disrupt Metal Binding, Natalie E. Farrawell, Maddison Yerbury, Steven S. Plotkin, Luke McAlary, and Justin J. Yerbury

Nanofluid turbulent forced convection through a solar flat plate collector with Al2O3 nanoparticles, Seyyed Ali Farshad, M Sheikholeslami, Seyed Hosseini, Ahmad Shafee, and Zhixiong Li

Improving the weld microstructure and material properties of K-TIG welded armour steel joint using filler material, Zhenyu Fei, Zengxi Stephen Pan, Dominic Cuiuri, Hui Jun Li, Bintao Wu, and Lihong Su


Role of Charge Density Wave in Monatomic Assembly in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Haifeng Feng, Zhongfei Xu, Jincheng Zhuang, Li Wang, Yani Liu, Xun Xu, Li Song, Weichang Hao, and Yi Du


Hierarchically stacked reduced graphene oxide/carbon nanotubes for as high performance anode for sodium-ion batteries, Jianmin Feng, Lei Dong, Xifei Li, Dejun Li, Pengyi Lu, Feng Hou, Ji Liang, and Shi Xue Dou

Dynamics of Inter-Molecular Interactions Between Single Aβ42 Oligomeric and Aggregate Species by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy, Lei Feng, Hiroki Watanabe, Paul J. Molino, Gordon G. Wallace, Son Lam Phung, Takayuki Uchihashi, and Michael J. Higgins

Can green space quantity and quality help prevent postpartum weight gain? A longitudinal study, Xiaoqi Feng and Thomas E. Astell-Burt


Present-dayd dynamic topography and lower-mantle structure from palaeogeographically constrained mantle flow models, Nicolas Flament

Isolation and Lack of Potential Mates may Threaten an Endangered Arid-Zone Acacia, Cairo Forrest, David G. Roberts, Andrew J. Denham, and David J. Ayre


Boundaries, spectral triples and K-homology, Iain G. Forsyth, Magnus Goffeng, Bram Mesland, and Adam C. Rennie


Efficient 3D lateral analysis of cold-formed steel buildings, Nicholas Franklin, Aziz Ahmed, Lip H. Teh, Emma Elizabeth Heffernan, and Timothy J. McCarthy

What informs care? Descriptions by multidisciplinary teams about burns care for aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, Sarah Fraser, Julian Grant, Tamara Mackean, Kate Hunter, Ngara Keeler, Kathleen F. Clapham, Warwick Teague, Tom Potokar, and Rebecca Q. Ivers