Document Type

Journal Article


Knowledge Management for the provision of Health Information Services is a developing field and one that is usefully informed by applied research. The current study is conducted with Intensive Care Unit (lCU) professionals to capture and distil their views in regard to a developing a Web-Based Information Service. This service is provided by a central coordination and monitoring unit for intensive care units across NSW, Australia. The study is part of a larger research initiative that is being done to advance the provision of health information in ICU's across the state. Given the complex and dynamic context of ICUs, there is still a challenge in understanding the active process of Knowledge Management in the healthcare environment. This research explores the use of Q Methodology as an integrated and practical approach to the acquisition and sharing and creation of knowledge in an organisational context. The use of Q Methodology is well established in several research communities including communication, psychology, political science and health research. The current manual method of concourse can be difficult in demanding environments, such as, health care services. Thus this study will trial a technology, Zing, that will partially automate the concourse process, and thereby enhance and integrate the active process of Knowledge Management.


