Document Type

Journal Article


Miles Franklin's novel My Brilliant Career has attracted a great deal of cri tical attemion, perhaps prompted in part by fascination with the way Frankl in rhemarises reading itself Much less arrention has been given ro a set of books which can be understood as sequels and interlocutors to Franklin 's first and most famous novel. Among these are My Career Goes Bllng, written soon afrer My BrilliarJ Career but nor published until 1946; Cockatoos, probably begun around the same time, but nor published umil rhe year of Frankl in's death, 1954; her most "gen uine"(?) aurobiography, Childhood at Brindabella, likewise publishe-d in 1954; and On Dearborn Street, set in Chicago, whi ch did not appear until 1981.' In this essay I want to examine these later works in terms of the ways in which they th ematise reading.


