Publication Details

Sun, G., Cui, T., Yong, J., Shen, J. & Chen, S. (2015). Drawing micro learning into MOOC: using fragmented pieces of time to enable effective entire course learning experiences. International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (pp. 308-313). IEEE CPS.


Recently the massive open online course (MOOC) is an emerging trend that attracts many educators’ and researchers’ attentions. Based on our pilot study focusing on the development and operation of MOOC in Australia, we found MOOC is featured with mastery learning and blended learning, but it suffers from low completion rates. Brining micro learning into MOOC can be a feasible solution to improve current MOOC delivery and learning experience. We design a system which aims to provide adaptive micro learning contents as well as learning path identifications customized for each individual learner. To investigate how micro learning can impact learning experience and knowledge acquisitions of learners participated in MOOC, we suggest a potential scheme including hypotheses to evaluate our proposed approach.
