Publication Details

Pham, T. M. & Hadi, M. N. S. (2014). Stress prediction model for FRP confined rectangular concrete columns with rounded corners. Journal of Composites for Construction, 18 (1), 04013019-1-04013019-10.


The paper uses the membrane hypothesis to formulate the confining behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) confined rectangular columns. A model was developed to calculate the strength of FRP confined rectangular concrete columns. The model was verified using a database of 190 FRP confined rectangular concrete columns. The database covers unconfined concrete strength between 18.3 and 55.2 MPa, and specimens with dimensions ranging from 79-305 mm and 100-305 mm for short and long sides, respectively. The performance of the proposed model shows a very good correlation with the experimental results. In addition, the strain distribution of FRP around the circumference of the rectangular sections was examined to propose an equation for predicting the actual rupture strain of FRP. The minimum corner radius of the sections is also recommended to achieve sufficient confinement.
