Publication Details

This book chapter was originally published as Herrington, A, Incorporating mobile technologies within constructivist-based curriculum resources, in Herrington, J, Herrington, A, Mantei, J, Olney, I and Ferry, B (editors), New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education, Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong, 2009, 138p.


In the context of an introductory postgraduate subject on ICT in education the aim of this research was to evaluate postgraduate education students’ abilities to develop appropriate pedagogical strategies for the use of mobile technologies in constructivist learning environments. The postgraduate students were all working in educational settings. The results indicate that the affordances of mobile devices can be embedded in constructivist based curriculum resources especially in tasks that involve students learning as they are mobile such as in fieldwork and excursions. The devices also appear well suited to be used in tasks that involve connectedness with other technologies such as web 2.0 and learning management systems.

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