Using cell phones to enhance teacher learning in environmental education



Publication Details

Ferry, B. (2009). Using cell phones to enhance teacher learning in environmental education. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education Conference (pp. 3120-3127). Chesapeake Virginia: AACE.


This study focuses on how action-learning sets helped pre-service teachers (PST) to use cell phones to augment their developing pedagogy. These school-based, action-learning sets consisted of groups of PST allocated to the five schools that participated in the study. For six weeks these PST worked in pairs to teach a class for two hours per week. During this time the PST had access to cell phones that had an inbuilt camera, Excel, Word, audio recording, video recording, Internet, and email features. These phones were used to support and inform the teaching of an environmental education unit that had as its focus waste and energy management. The findings indicated that the action-learning sets provided a vehicle for sustained and targeted professional growth. The phones provided evidence of this growth as well as record of teaching dilemmas that arose. SMS messages were used as a support tool before and after teaching.

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