Publication Details

Schiemer, G., Sabir, K. & Havryliv, M. "Pocket Gamelan: a J2ME environment for just intonation." Expanded Horizons: Proceedings of the 2004 International Computer Music Conference. Ed. G. Tzanetakis, G. Essl & C. Leider. USA: The International Computer Music Association, 2004. 654-657.


This paper describes on-going exploration of tuning systems through development of mobile instruments appropriate for tlie audition and performance of music composed in just intonatIon tunmgs. 1he project is a response to a transformation in computer music brought about through the introduction of wireless technologies and is motivated by a desire to enable performance of music based on just intonation using hand-held instruments played by large numbers of non-expert players. Handheld technology offers the promise of new forms of musical interaction between people with development of musical applications focused on new modes of group expression that involve non-expert performance. The project seeks to take advantage of the global availability of this technology yet retain a tuning vocabulary that represents the legacy of many musical epochs and traditions.

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International Computer Music Conference
