Publication Details

Rowland, J. K. (2005). Developing a climate of trust during new product development: a conceptual framework. In S. Purchase (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (pp. 5 December-7 December). Fremantle, Australia: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.


A gap exists in our understanding of the role that “trust” plays within organisations that produce new products. Recent organisational research suggests that trust may play a more significant role in modern organisational structures than previously thought. Trust encourages efficient information sharing, limits defensive behaviours, encourages citizenship behaviours, leads to co-operation and teamwork, and encourages collaboration. The NPD literature has traditionally focused on “integration methods” which promote information sharing and interaction among participants with trust often being viewed as a “by product” of these approaches. A conceptual framework is proposed, with several research propositions, which highlights the importance of understanding the complexities of organisational trust and the role that management play in creating an environment conducive to the development of a climate of trust. If such a climate can be developed and nurtured, the potential outcomes are collaborative behaviours such as maximised cross-functional communication and cooperation, minimised cross-functional conflict and ultimately NPD success.
