Publication Details

Praxmarer, S. & Rossiter, J. R. (2009). Physically attractive presenters and persuasion: an experimental investigation of alternative explanations for the "Patzer effect". 8th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) (pp. 1-7). The Netherlands: European Advertising Academy.


This experiment was designed to test alternative explanations for the powerful positive effect of the presenter’s facial attractiveness on persuasion found by Patzer (1985). The explanations tested are: (a) a “conscious Patzer effect” whereby the attractiveness of the presenter prompts conscious cognitive-response inferences about the presenter’s expertise and trustworthiness; (b) a “subconscious Patzer effect” whereby attractiveness persuades via beliefs about the presenter’s expertise and trustworthiness but without conscious cognitive responses; (c) an “affect transfer effect” whereby attractiveness increases liking of the presenter which in turn transfers to a more favorable attitude toward the brand; and (d) a “role-model identification effect” whereby attractiveness increases identification.

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International Conference on Research in Advertising
