Publication Details

This conference paper was originally published as Ait El Houssi, A, Morel, KPN and Hultink, EJ, in Analogical learning of new product benefits: Between-domain analogies versus within-domain analogies. 33rd EMAC Conference, Murcia, Spain, 18-21 May 2004. Best Paper Award EMAC 2004.


The slow rate at which many really new products (RNPs) are adopted can at least partially be explained by the low observability of the distinct benefits. It is suggested that between-domain analogies rather than within-domain analogies are effective in directing consumer’s attention to the key benefits of and developing preferences for a RNP. The results of a laboratory experiment show a significant relationship between ads using between-domain analogies and consumer’s benefit comprehension for one of the two RNPs. The relationship with preferences for the RNP, however, is insignificant. But an increased benefit comprehension positively influences preferences for the RNP. We discuss these findings and outline directions for future research.
