Was I born to shop? A comparison between Korean and Australia tourists in Thailand



Publication Details

Kattiyapornpong, U. & Miller, K. E. (2012). Was I born to shop? A comparison between Korean and Australia tourists in Thailand. CAUTHE 2012: The new golden age of tourism and hospitality; Book 2; Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference (pp. 328-334). Melbourne, Australia: Informit.


This study aims to explore shopping behaviour between Korean and Australian tourists in Thailand and to compare their shopping behavior and satisfaction. The study included two samples of 400 Australian and 400 Korea tourists collected at international airports in Thailand. Seven-point scale was used in this study. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse the data. Australian tourists seemed to enjoy and were satisfied with all shopping areas in Bangkok, while Korean tourists had lower satisfaction level toward those areas. Australian tourists engaged in shopping more than Korean tourists at those top-ten shopping areas in Bangkok. Different shopping behavior, including satisfaction and perception about Thailand in making decision for shopping destination requires different tourist information and marketing promotional programs for each country.

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