Publication Details

Harada, Y. (2006). The occident in the orient or the orient in the occident?: reception of Said's orientalism in Japan. In A. Vickers & M. Hanlon (Eds.), Asia Reconstructed: Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Conference of the ASAA Canberra: Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) Inc. and the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies.


[extract] “Although Edward does not appear in the film, he exists in every aspect of it” commented Mariam Said, a widow of Edward W. Said (Siglo 2006, Yuri 2006a, p. 30). In April and May 2006, a documentary film called Edward W. Said: Out of Place was screened in Tokyo. The film was produced by a Japanese film director Sato Makoto who visited places and people in the Middle East with the guide of Said’s well known autobiography Out of Place: A Memoir (Siglo 2006). Sato starts his journey from Lebanon, where Said is now resting. His camera catches scenery from both Palestine and Israel and people from both sides. Ordinary people living in the area appear as interviewees as well as the family of Said – Mariam, his daughter Najla and son Wadie – people like Noam Chomsky, his colleagues and friends. Sato’s focus is on people and their lives in the most controversial area in the Middle East. People living on the border are what Sato showed on the screen and Said himself was one of them. A book with pictures was published to coincide with the release of the film (Nakano & Sato 2006). It contains many interviews, which could not be included in the film because of the restriction on the length of the film and Sato’s record of filming (Siglo 2006).
