'Je, Christine': Christine de Pizan's Autobiographical Topoi



Publication Details

D'Arcens, L, ''Je, Christine': Christine de Pizan's Autobiographical Topoi', in Collett, AA and D'Arcens, L (eds), The Unsociable Sociability of Women's Lifewriting, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2010, 18.


The literary output of Christine de Pizan (1365-c.1429) was prolific, spanning almost four decades and encompassing a range of genres, including courtly verse, epistolary polemic and consolatio, historical biography, verse and prose allegory, political speculum, moral advice and conduct manual. She is most famous in the contemporary era for her defences of women, but recent scholarship has also considered her legacy as an overlooked female political theorist and commentator.

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