Australian Left Review

Article Title

Foreign Policy Debate


It may seem strange that Australian Left Review should publish a speech made in the Australian Parliament by the Minister for Defence and a reply by the Leader of the Opposition, more especially because these speeches* were made several months ago. At the time they received little media coverage. Their importance lies in the fact that they represent a certain evolution in foreign policy discussion.In his speech, Mr Killen is conciliatory; there is an overwhelming impression that the government wants the opposition to maintain the traditional bi-partisan policy of support for the United States alliance and for ANZAS. The Minister agres with the Leader of the Opposition that, in certain conditions, some military installations, that is United States bases in Australia, could become military targets. He admits that the alliance means ou r possible involvement in which we would prefer not to be involved, and we cannot always expect to influence the United States to behave as we might wish. No one on the left would argue with this. But in the long run Mr. Killen continues to see the world as a contest between the two super powers with the United States carrying the burden for the free nations of the world. He asks Mr Hayden, and presumably the electorate at large, to judge the United States in terms of intent.